How does Tabex work?

A person happily discarding a pack of cigarettes in a colorful setting.

Looking for an effective way to quit smoking can be a challenge. Tabex, a natural-based medicinal product, might just be the solution you need. This article will delve into how Tabex works, explaining its components and their effects in simple terms.

Ready to discover your potential path to a smoke-free life? Let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways

  • Tabex is a natural plant extract called Cytisine that helps people quit smoking by mimicking the effects of nicotine in the brain.
  • Cytisine in Tabex activates receptors in the brain associated with nicotine, reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
  • Tabex has been found to be highly effective, tripling a smoker’s chances of quitting compared to a placebo. It is also more cost-effective than other smoking cessation drugs like nicotine replacement therapy and varenicline.

What is Tabex?

A field of flowers with a bottle of Tabex in the center.

Tabex® is a natural plant extract called Cytisine that is used as a medicinal product for smoking cessation.

Tabex® Cytisine: A natural plant extract

Tabex is a special kind of pill. It has cytisine in it. Cytisine comes from the seeds of the golden rain tree. This tree grows in nature and its seeds have been used for over 40 years to help people stop smoking.

The cytisine acts like nicotine but it’s not harmful. It tricks your brain into thinking you’re getting nicotine, so you don’t feel the need to smoke anymore.

Chemical characteristics and contents of Tabex

Tabex is a natural based product. It has Cytisine in it. This compound comes from the plant called “Laburnum anagyroides”. People use Tabex to help them quit smoking. The drug works when you take it by mouth, not through the skin or nose.

It acts like nicotine but doesn’t harm your body as much. When you use this medicine, your brain thinks it’s getting nicotine even though it’s not really there! This trick helps reduce cravings for real nicotine over time and makes quitting easier than ever before.

Understanding the Ingredients of Tabex

A field of blooming cytisine flowers with diverse people and scenery.

Tabex has one main part.

  1. Cytisine is the main part in Tabex.
  2. Each tablet of Tabex holds 1.5 milligrams of cytisine.
  3. It is a 100% natural item without any nicotine or antidepressants.
  4. This product works like nicotine in the brain to lower needs for smokes.
  5. In this way, it sparks paths in the brain to stop smoking.
  6. Cytisine is got from a plant and put into Tabex pills.
  7. It does not come with the bad parts that nicotine has but still helps stop smoking cravings.
  8. As it’s natural, Tabex does not cost much to buy in Poland or other places worldwide.
  9. Many trials show that Tabex can help people quit smoking for a long time, just like what nicotine offers when quitting smoking.

How Tabex works

Tabex works by mimicking the effects of nicotine in the brain, reducing cravings and stimulating the same nicotine receptors.

Pharmacodynamics of Cytisine

Cytisine, which is the active ingredient in Tabex, works by binding to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the brain. This natural plant extract mimics the effects of nicotine, but in a more gentle and natural way.

It acts as a partial agonist, meaning it stimulates some of the same receptors that nicotine does but with less intensity. Because of this, cytisine helps reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms without causing as much dependence or addiction.

The half-life of cytisine is relatively short at 4.8 hours, allowing it to be effective throughout the day while being cleared from the body relatively quickly.

Mimicking the effects of nicotine in the brain

Tabex works by mimicking the effects of nicotine in the brain. The active ingredient in Tabex, called cytisine, activates specific receptors in the brain that are associated with the desired effects of nicotine.

This stimulation leads to the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that is responsible for feelings of pleasure and reward. By activating these receptors and stimulating dopamine release, Tabex helps satisfy some of the cravings and withdrawal symptoms experienced during smoking cessation.

It essentially tricks the brain into thinking it is receiving nicotine, reducing cravings and making it easier to quit smoking.

Deep Dive into How Tabex Works

Tabex works by using its active ingredient, Cytisine, to mimic the effects of nicotine in the brain. When you smoke, nicotine binds to certain receptors in your brain and triggers feelings of pleasure and reward.

But when you stop smoking, these receptors are left empty, leading to cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Cytisine in Tabex can help fill these vacant receptors and reduce cravings for nicotine.

It stimulates the brain’s reward pathways just like nicotine does, making quitting smoking easier. Over time, as you continue taking Tabex, it gradually reduces your dependence on nicotine within around 25 days.

This deep-seated action helps break the cycle of addiction and support a successful journey towards quitting smoking for good.

Effectiveness of Tabex

Tabex has shown a high success rate in helping people quit smoking, making it more effective than other smoking cessation drugs. Read on to discover why Tabex is the right choice for you.

Success rate in quitting smoking

Tabex has been proven to be highly effective in helping smokers quit. In a study, 8.4% of participants who took Tabex successfully quit smoking after 12 months of treatment, compared to only 2.4% of those who took a placebo.

This means that Tabex more than triples a smoker’s chances of giving up the habit. In fact, it has been found to be 3.4 times more effective than other methods in helping people quit smoking.

So if you’re looking for an effective solution to help you quit smoking, Tabex may be the answer you’re looking for.

Comparison to other smoking cessation drugs

Tabex, laden with cytisine, offers a unique approach to smoking cessation. Its efficacy and cost-effectiveness have placed it favourably among other smoking cessation drugs.

Tabex (Cytisine)Recognised as a cost-effective drug for smoking cessationHas been found to be more effective than placebo and nicotine replacement therapy in aiding smoking cessation
Nicotine Replacement TherapyMore expensive than cytisine, making it less accessible for many smokersRandomized clinical trials have shown cytisine to be more effective
VareniclineCostlier compared to cytisineComparable efficacy with cytisine, though further placebo-controlled trials are required for definitive comparison

It’s prudent to mention that Tabex’s effectiveness is not just confined to its natural origins but also its unique mechanism of mimicking nicotine effects in the brain, thus aiding in quitting smoking. Its comparison with drugs like Varenicline could provide interesting insights if placebo-controlled trials show Tabex to have some efficacy.

Side Effects and Recommended Dosage of Tabex

Tabex, a medication used for quitting smoking, may have some side effects. These can include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and headaches.


In conclusion, Tabex works by mimicking the effects of nicotine in the brain and reducing cravings. With its active ingredient cytisine, it stimulates pathways associated with nicotine addiction.

This natural-based plant extract has shown promising results in helping smokers quit.


1. How does Tabex help with quitting smoking?

Tabex contains a substance called cytisine, which acts as a nicotine substitute to reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings, helping individuals quit smoking.

2. Is Tabex safe to use?

Yes, when used as directed, Tabex is generally considered safe. However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any medication or treatment.

3. How long does it take for Tabex to start working?

The effects of Tabex may vary from person to person, but typically it starts working within the first week of regular use.

4. Can I use Tabex even if I’ve tried other methods to quit smoking before?

Yes, you can still try using Tabex even if you have tried other methods in the past. It’s always worth discussing your options with a healthcare professional who can provide personalized advice based on your individual situation.