Tabex Dosage

How to take Tabex

Are you struggling to quit smoking and looking for an effective solution? Tabex, a cytisine-based medication, is increasingly becoming popular for its success in helping smokers kick the habit.

Here, we’ll guide you on how to correctly take Tabex, providing tips to enhance your chance of quitting cigarettes for good. Let’s unravel your path towards a healthier life!

Key Takeaways

  • Take one Tabex tablet every two hours for the first three days. Six tablets a day
  • Take one Tabex tablet every 2 1/2 hours from day 4 to day 12. 5 tablets a day
  • Take one Tabex tablet every 3 hours from day 13 to day 16. 4 tablets a day.
  • Take one Tabex tablet every 5 hours from day 17 to day 20. 3 tablets a day
  • Take one Tabex tablet 1-2 times a day from day 21 to day 25. 2 tablets a day
  • The Tabex cure lasts a total of 25 days.
  • Always take Tabex with water to ensure proper absorption in the body.
  • Gradually reduce the number of cigarettes smoked while taking Tabex to increase chances of quitting successfully.
  • Smoking must be stopped on the 5th day of treatment at the latest.

Tabex Dosage and Administration

During the first three days of taking Tabex, patients should take one tablet every two hours, for a total of six tablets daily. After the initial three-day period, the dosage is reduced to one tablet every six hours (four tablets daily) for a duration of 25-30 days.

First 3 days: 1 tablet 6 times daily (every 2 hours)

Start taking Tabex on day one. For the first three days, take one tablet every two hours. This means you should take it six times a day. This helps your body get used to the drug slowly and safely.

Be sure to stick to this plan for best results in quitting smoking with Tabex.

Day 4 to day 12: One tablet every 2 1/2 hours (5 tablets daily)

After 3 days, you should take one Tabex tablet every 2 hours, which means you will be taking five tablets daily. This dosage schedule should continue from day 4 to day 12. Also you should stop smoking on day five. It is important that you follow this regimen exactly to get the best results with Tabex for smoking cessation.

Day 13 to day 16: One tablet every 3 hours (4 tablets daily)

After 12 days, you should take one Tabex tablet every 3 hours, which means you will be taking four tablets daily. This dosage schedule should continue from day 13 to day 16.

Day 17 to day 20: One tablet every 5 hours (3 tablets daily)

After 16 days, you should take one Tabex tablet every 5 hours, which means you will be taking three tablets daily. This dosage schedule should continue from day 17 to day 20.

Day 21 to day 25 : One to two tablets a day (2 tablets daily)

After 20 days, you should take one to two Tabex tablet a day which means you will be taking two tablets daily. This dosage schedule should continue from day 21 to day 25. The Tabex cure ends with the 25th day.

Tabex Scheme

Treatment daysRecommended doseMaximum daily dose
From day 1 to day 31 tablet every 2 hours6 tablets
From day 4 to 121 tablet every 2 1/2 hours5 tablets
From day 13 to 161 tablet every 3 hours4 tablets
From day 17 to 201 tablet every 5 hours3 tablets
From the 21st to the 25th day1-2 tablets per dayup to 2 tablets

Tips for Taking Tabex

Take Tabex with water and make sure to follow the prescribed dosage schedule. Gradually reduce the number of cigarettes smoked while taking Tabex.

Take with water

To take Tabex, it is important to remember to always take the tablet with water. Drinking water helps the tablet dissolve properly in your stomach and allows your body to absorb it effectively.

This ensures that you get the right amount of medication for it to work correctly. So, whenever you take a Tabex tablet, make sure to have a glass of water nearby and swallow the tablet with a sip of water.

Follow the prescribed dosage schedule

It’s important to follow the prescribed dosage schedule when taking Tabex. For the first three days, you should take one tablet every two hours, a total of six tablets per day. After the initial three days, you can reduce your intake to one tablet every six hours, or four tablets daily.

Make sure to stick to this schedule for 25-30 days. Following the recommended dosage will help maximize the effectiveness of Tabex in helping you quit smoking.

Reduce the number of cigarettes smoked gradually

To increase your chances of successfully quitting smoking with Tabex, it is recommended to gradually reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke each day. This approach can help your body adjust to lower nicotine levels and make it easier to eventually quit altogether.

Instead of trying to quit cold turkey, which can be challenging, try cutting back on the number of cigarettes you smoke each day. For example, if you typically smoke 10 cigarettes a day, aim to reduce this by one or two cigarettes every week until you reach zero.

Remember that everyone’s journey is different, so go at a pace that feels comfortable for you and seek support from healthcare professionals if needed. By taking small steps towards reducing cigarette consumption over time, you’ll be well on your way to a healthier smoke-free life.


In conclusion, taking Tabex involves following a specific dosage schedule and gradually reducing the number of cigarettes smoked. It is important to take Tabex with water and seek medical advice if unsatisfactory results occur.

By following these tips, patients can increase their chances of success in their smoking cessation attempts.


1. How do you take Tabex for smoking cessation?

You take Tabex orally as a part of your smoking cessation treatment. Follow the schedule for taking Cytisine, the active ingredient in Tabex, carefully.

2. What should I know about application and dosage of Tabex?

The oral administration of Cytisine in Tabex involves a parallel reduction in cigarettes smoked over time. It’s important to stick to the Cytisine dosage.

3. Are there any side effects with using Tabex?

Yes, like all medicines, there can be side effects with using Tabex such as nicotine withdrawal symptoms. But remember that patient reviews of Cytisine show it works well despite these issues.

4. How safe is it to use Tabex?

Tabex safety and precautions are very important as it is taken orally along liquids just like other medicines out there, its effectiveness has been proven by uncontrolled trials and lots of good reviews living up to its benefits.

5.What about availability of Cytisine or known as Tabex in UK?

Cytisine (Tabax), used for attempts at stopping smoke is open for sale within UK territory.